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Airdrop #1 for $BICO stakers - claim your $ARB!

July 1, 2024
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Airdrop #1 for $BICO stakers - claim your $ARB!

We are lucky to have an amazing community that has supported us for a long time! We have been through a bear market together, and many of you have stuck with us all this while.

To reward such Biconauts who have staked $BICO, we are rewarding them with an $ARB airdrop!

Check your eligibility now.

Psst.. this is just the start of what’s coming for $BICO stakers!

More upcoming airdrops..!

As you know, we are on a mission to make web3 seamless. It’s not a battle we can fight alone. You too can play your part by staking $BICO.

You can Stake BICO here.

In return, apart from juicy $BICO APY, you will receive airdrops, perks & rewards from our ever growing ecosystem of applications & chains!

We are live with our AA kit on 40+ chain ecosystems. We are actively used by 600+ live dApp partners. And as new L3s, rollups & appchains come up, we will bring account abstraction there as well. In short, we are pushing account abstraction adoption at breakneck speed.

And as the adoption increases, and we power more and more smart accounts and more userOp transactions across hundreds of dApps, $BICO stakers will directly benefit.

If you believe web3 UX should be easier and more intuitive, stake $BICO.

In short, Stake BICO & play your part in onboarding the masses to web3! And you will be rewarded.

Eligibility Criteria for $ARB airdrop

Let’s talk about the first airdrop. We were granted $ARB for supporting the dApp & user activity on Arbitrum. And obviously, we wanted to reward this to our community.

Here are the eligibility criteria for the $ARB airdrop:

  • Minimum stake: 1000 BICO (or 190 BBPT)
  • Snapshot date: 11th April, 4PM UTC

Claiming Process

Go to the claim Page: & connect your wallet that you have staked your BICO with.

You need to sign the ‘claim transaction’. Please note, you will not immediately receive the $ARB tokens. Once the claim period is over we will automatically drop your ARB allocation straight to your wallet on Arbitrum.

P.S. If your staking wallet is not compatible with Arbitrum, please enter an Arbitrum-supported wallet address before signing to claim.
Note: If you are using a Safe to stake, your Safe may not be present on Arbitrum.

Remember, you can sign the claim transaction any time before 10th May 23:59 UTC. Once the claim window ends on 10th May, you won’t be able to claim your $ARB airdrop.

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